Most plastic bottles collected for recycling in one week
39627.42 kilogram(s)
الإكوادور (Quito)
The most plastic bottles recycled in one week is 39,627.42 kg (87,363 lb 8 oz) and was achieved by CIMA KIDS 2012 at Parque La Carolina, Quito, Ecuador on 27 October 2012. CIMA KIDS is an event organised by three companies - SAMBITO, Maruri and Comefex - to promote environmental awareness amongst children in Ecuador. 109 schools took part in the collection of the bottles which totalled approximately 1,559,002. The bottles were then collected and taken to a central location for weighing by EMASEO, this took six days in total. The bottles have a value of $30,000 once recycled which was donated to Yasuni-ITT an initiative that aims to preserve a national park from oil exploitation. At the time of writing this was the first-ever Guinness World Records record adjudicated in Quito, Ecuador.