Most weight lifted by lateral raises in one minute whilst standing on a Swiss ball
Dariusz Slowik
621 kilogram(s)
الدانمارك (Aarhus)
قيود عمرية: تقبل طلبات كسر هذا الرقم القياسي لمن هم في سن 16 أو أكبر فقط.

The most weight lifted by lateral raises in one minute whilst standing on a Swiss ball is 621 kg (1 369 lb1.13oz) and was achieved by Dariusz Slowik (Canada), in Aarhus, Denmark, on 15 February 2021.

Through this attempt, Dariusz raised money to support families who have children suffering with cancer.

He raised close to 20,000 Danish KR, which is approximately 2,300 UK GBP and 3,200 USD.